Selling through service is about attracting genuine dream clients, who reach out to YOU and ask you how they can work with you.
You know you have to sell your coaching services, and yet on so many levels the process makes you feel awkward, icky and uncomfortable.
Posting and self promotion on social media feels forced and contrived, and you’re afraid of coming off as desperate even though you really need to make money and fast!
You very thought of spamming peoples inboxes out of the blue to “invite them onto a call with you” makes you shudder, even though you know you have what it takes to really transform their lives!
And then, when you do manage to get someone into a conversation with you, you feel out of integrity converting that lovely rapport into “would you like to buy my services?” And so you silently resolve to save yourself, and them, any embarrassment and NOT introduce your paid services at all. Temporary relief followed by the realisation…
…You’ve just lost a potential client…The first you’ve had in weeks…And down the rabbit hole you go.
Yikes! Sound familiar? I know I’ve laid it on thick, but I know this is no exaggeration for so many coaching entrepreneurs who have little to no experience of selling, and in particular selling through service.
Selling through service is about attracting genuine dream clients, who reach out to YOU and ask you how they can work with you. It’s time to stand tall and stand out as the authority, the go-to-expert, the receiver of referrals. No icky. No pushy. A 100% sleaze-free zone.
It’s time you got to feel like you again (and yes, I’m talking about your BEST YOU!), where you’re leaning into the ease of your authenticity and opening your heart to what is real and true to you.
That’s when selling your services becomes a joyful and natural part of the process and you fall in love with the client enrolment process, almost as much as the actual coaching!
Well, firstly I need to bust a couple of erroneous and misleading beliefs that do NOT serve you. These come in a variety of guises but essentially translate to:
BUSTED!!! If your visibility strategy is all about getting clients, you’re in trouble. Why? Because you’re going to be too attached to the outcome. This means you’re likely to be over-analytical and self-critical, and in a state of internal conflict because you feel inauthentic and icky.
The truth is:
You have a message to share.
You have wisdom born from experience that others need to hear.
You’ve navigated your way in order to teach others how to navigate their way
You’ve found an alternative to the struggle and you’re passionate and purposeful about sharing it.
When you’re operating from that mindset, your enterprise, your energy and your enthusiasm is inspiring, impactful and influential and people are drawn to you, they take notice, they start following you.
This belief will trigger you into feeling inauthentic because all the time you’re thinking “I need to sell/ I need this sale”. This clouds your ability to see the person you’re with, instead you’re busy being self conscious as you nervously try to demonstrate (Read: remonstrate) your value and imagining that you have to be something other than yourself.
The truth is:
When you’ve got your approach to your visibility nailed on, the discovery call is really a process of discovering whether the prospect is a good fit for you and your coaching.
You’re asking the questions.
You’re doing the listening.
The prospect is doing all the talking.
You’re giving a powerful experience of how it would be to work with you which leads naturally into your offer.
In fact, it would be really weird if you didn’t make your offer. Like visiting your doctor, answering all the questions and then the doctor saying “I know exactly what the problem is and I have the solution…So, come back to me sometime when you’re ready to get better”…weird right?
This will keep you stuck forever! You’re afraid of judgment and criticism and so you toe the line and play small which goes against the core of who you are. You know you’re meant for more and so this creates yet more inner conflict and turmoil.
The Truth is:
You only need to be one or two steps ahead of your ideal client to be able to help them powerfully. You’ve done your navigating, and I’ll wager you took the long and arduous road which means you can help crush the timeline on your clients’ journey.
And, by the way, none of us have our shit together. We’re all on a journey of growth, expansion, and self-discovery and as long as we’re committed to the evolution process we’ll be taking our clients with us.
Ok, so now you have those truths under your belt, let’s talk about the fundamental key to successfully selling your coaching services without feeling remotely sleazy (in fact, it’s the fundamental key to profound joy, peace and success in your coaching business and indeed life!! Deep right?
Here it is:
Ah, Alignment. It’s kinda like magic and you can’t fail to know when you’re in it.
Alignment is a state of being and a state of knowing.
Alignment takes you out of your head and into your heart.
Alignment is clarity and confidence.
Alignment with your message and your soul purpose client means you get to stand out as an authority, standing in your power and declaring with conviction:
This is who I am; this is what I do; this is who I help and this is my purposeful why.
[I’ve created a 5 day course called Shine Your Light that is entirely FREE and that will help you find your alignment – you can enrol here: Shine Your Light Course]
Alignment means you’re crafting offers that are, not only an embodiment of your gifts, skills and knowledge but also are an exact match to the desires of your dream clients – a match made in heaven and a no-brainer for your clients
Aligning your beliefs with your desires eliminates resistance and allows everything to flow in.
Alignment feels like standing in the warm and radiating glow of the love of the entire universe.
You feel clear
You feel excited
You become unstoppable
And it shows. Your enthusiasm is infectious and your posts are getting attention. People are drawn to your energy
You start receiving messages from complete strangers thanking you for your great post and asking how they can work with you..You feel encouraged and inspired to show up more and before you know it, you’re on that perpetual UPward spiral towards exactly what you want…
>> Engagement
>> Authority status
>> Discovery calls popping into your calendar and
>> Soul purpose clients who know before they even got on the call with you that they were going to sign up to work with you.
Sound too good to be true?
Well, it’s not. It is, in fact, exactly how your coaching business really should, and can, feel and be.
You are the greatest client attraction asset in your business. When you are standing in a state of alignment with your purpose, your mission, and your message and you’re taking aligned and inspired action, everything will shift in your favour.
I hope you’re getting a sense of my passion and enthusiasm for sharing this message. I’ve been in coaching and mentoring in sales for over 25 years and I know for a fact that it need never feel sleazy and inauthentic – if it does, something is wrong.
I also know for sure that while prospecting and cold out-reach works for some people, it’s never going to work for those who hate doing it, which makes it a waste of time and energy.
Your alignment is like the vibrational advertisement drawing in your dream clients.
Sanae x
P.S. “The BLAB Academy” is for coaches who are passionate about coaching and making a difference in the world and who want to bridge the gap to confidently attracting and enrolling dream clients.
This programme is NOT just another cookie-cutter strategy that leaves out the most essential ASSET in your business – YOU! This programme IS about TRANSFORMATION…Yours and the transformation that you offer your clients.
It’s EVERYTHING you need to start signing paying clients and making your first £5k PLUS months, as an on-line coach (even if you’re brand new and don’t even have a website yet!).