You’re here to be extraordinary. It’s time to kick fear to the curb and go after your dream. Hear from some of my clients, who started right where you are now...

Transform your life and your business

I have a signature programme of which I am very proud...

Without Sanae I would still be floundering with my message, charging by the hour (not enough) and doubting myself hugely.

Instead, I have a signature programme of which I am very proud, a high end programme and a vision and plan for my business which I am on the path towards.  

Not only does she help with all of that, but her coaching of me as a person is incredible too and has cleared many blocks (some of which I hadn't even realised were holding me back so much).  

Her editing also needs a mention, as she's fabulous with words and can turn something I've written that feels a bit bland into a hard-hitting and perfectly pitched piece of writing.  

Sanae is a pillar of strength, she challenges and holds me accountable.  I am hugely grateful to the person who introduced me to Sanae, and I am delighted to be a client of hers.

Floss Andrews - Mindset Coach. UK

Nothing short of transformative.

My experience with Sanae has been nothing short of transformative.

Each session with her has been a treasure trove of invaluable insights, practical advice, and eye-opening revelations.

Sanae's extensive expertise in her field is only matched by her generosity in sharing her knowledge and wisdom.

Working with Sanae has not only provided me with the tools I needed to thrive in my career, but also instilled a newfound confidence and passion for my work.

Her dedication to her clients' success is truly inspiring. Therefore, I cannot recommend Sanae highly enough.

Do yourself a favor and reach out to her – it will be one of the best decisions you'll ever make for your professional growth.

Katia Vlachos - Reinvention Coach, Author and Speaker. Zurich.

My income has increased substantially...and I'm standing in my own power

“I had been working as a coach in private practice for 6 years, really enjoying my job but floundering with a low income and was at the point of getting a 'proper job' which I really didn't want to do as I adore coaching.

Sanae's ad popped up on facebook and I booked into have a free consultation. I immediately knew that Sanae could help me and now, 3 months later, I am so glad I found her.

My income has increased substantially and I have made the money back that I paid Sanae.  

My messaging is clearer, I'm standing in my own power so much more and my mindset around money and 'flow' has improved no end. I feel I'm in a much better place all round and on a different trajectory now.

Sanae lives and breathes the principles she teaches, she is warm, encouraging and has vast knowledge - a special and super-helpful combination of spirituality and sales/marketing.

I recommend Sanae 100% and can honestly say that working with her has changed my life. Thank you Sanae!

Claire Knight - Emotional Well-Being Coach. UK

I learned to cultivate a mindset that "moves mountains"

“Sanae's approach is transformative.

She didn't just provide me with strategies; she helped me construct a robust foundation for my business.

Her impact on my perspective was profound. Through her coaching and course, I learned to cultivate a mindset that "moves mountains."  

Her mentorship goes beyond conventional coaching. She builds a personal connection with her clients, understands their unique challenges, and tailors her guidance to suit their individual needs.

Her dedication to my success was evident in every session(!!), and her insights have been invaluable to the growth of my business. Plus everything is a premium experience, even the language she uses.  

I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to work with Sanae and highly recommend her to anyone looking to excel in the field of coaching.

Paulina Palka - Business and Brand Strategist 

I no longer question my self worth, I feel like I can achieve my potential 

“I came to Sanae referred by my friend and fellow coach Meera Remani.  

I started my journey with Sanae feeling a bit lost and very blocked. I had a pathological level of imposterism, I often felt overwhelmed very easily and while I recognised these blocks as primarily internal, I did not know how to overcome them.  

In my 3 months of working with Sanae, I no longer question my self worth, I feel like I can achieve my potential and am no longer trapped in the cycle of overwhelm and fear of failure.

This has given me confidence , as I go about that job of crafting my growth trajectory with clarity and purpose.

Shweta Mani - Brand Narrative Strategist and Coach. India

Meera Remani - Leadership Coach

I’ve just had a $24k (Aussie dollar) month, which has blown my mind

“If you’re feeling like you’re treading water in your start-up then Sanae is the person to see.

I ‘Facebook stalked’ Sanae for about 6 months after seeing one of her posts that completely resonated with how I was feeling.  
However, I wasn’t ready to put my hand up for help at that stage, I thought there must be a way for me to sort this out myself (as most of us do!).  

After a while I realised that I needed validation on where I was at and additional personal support to help get me through my sticky patch.  

All I can say is that if I’d worked with Sanae sooner I would have fast tracked my progress.  

I’ve just had a $24k (Aussie dollar) month, which has blown my mind and I believe that Sanae was a BIG part of that.  

She’s a rockstar and I’m so pleased I chose her as my coach!”

Karita Beard - Consultant Success Coach. Australia

My income went from $1k to $6k per month

“When I started working with Sanae I was earning around $1000 per month.

I was undervaluing myself and it was frustrating!  

With Sanae’s support, and guidance I fully stepped into my purpose and power…and within 90 days my income shot up to $6,000 per month!  

If you’re looking for a coach who will take you places, Sanae is who you’re looking for”

Rebecca Lockwood – Success Coach. UK

I’ve experienced a massive personal transformation…

“Sanae is so much more than a sales and business coach!

 A lot of business coaches fly through mindset work and slap an empty affirmation on deep-seeded limiting beliefs leaving you feeling like a total failure when their ‘fail-proof’ business strategy fails to make you a millionaire.  

But not Sanae!  

She works with such integrity and skilfully peels back layers upon layers of self-doubt and self-sabotage until you get to the root cause of your struggle.  At times it was a painful journey but I felt so supported every step of the way. Sanae is so skillful in what she does, sometimes I felt like she could read my mind and feel my pain.  

As a result of working with Sanae I have experienced a massive personal transformation. I have spent years living in fear and lack and now I can see and feel joy in everything I do.  

There are no words to explain what a change it has made to my personal life, how I see and feel about myself, my relationships with others and how I run and approach my business. I am now super clear on my direction and strategy for my business.  

With her guidance, I was able to launch my coaching business with 3 very clear offers and host a masterclass. I now have the confidence to pursue other more ambitious projects too.  

Most days I still hear her voice saying ‘It is EASY. You just need to believe it. It is meant to be EASY’.  

And so it is I could not recommend Sanae enough”

Simona Dimšaite Melkūnė – Style Coach for Entrepreneurs. UK

From no clients in over a year…to paying clients and a thriving community

“I can’t even begin to appropriately describe the transformative power that Sanae’s coaching has had on my life and business. When I started out with her, I knew that I wanted clarity for my coaching practice but what I did not realize was how much I needed it for my own well-being.

After only 3 months of coaching with Sanae, I went from having no clients in over a year, no engagement on social media and no inspiration to share content… to paying clients, a thriving Facebook community, weekly emails, blogs and social media posting, a brand new beautiful website AND a new group and DIY coaching program to boot!  

Now that’s not bad for a few weeks of work!!! I feel so clear about my message now that I wake up with excitement about sharing! I feel fulfillment from knowing that I am helping so many people transform their lives because I am un-afraid to be visible now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Sanae”

Niko Ana Jeanne - Narcissistic Trauma Healing Expert. USA

I’m now finally attracting women that I am destined to help

I have no words to express how utterly indebted I am to Sanae. She has absolutely changed my life for the better and in doing that, has helped the hundreds of women I am now equipped to work with too…Working with Sanae, my whole business model shifted an entire 180 and I am now finally attracting women that I am destined to help!

I got crystal clear on who I help and how I help them and now I’m marketing to my ideal client in a way that is specific and direct.  

By our third session, I had a discovery call booked in with my ideal client and was privileged to have access to a whole heap of information that helped me to be confident and in control on the call!  

I have no doubt that working with Sanae has reignited the spark that was inside me. I have gained more knowledge and have become more confident, gained more clarity and more importantly, I now love showing up for my clients once again!  
I have completely changed on a cellular level. I know more about myself than I ever did before, I understand myself and trust myself and I know that working with Sanae has been the catalyst. She helped me to uncover what I had hidden for so many years and although painful at times, she held that space in order for me to process and work through the feelings and emotions I was experiencing.  

If you have the opportunity to work with this gentle powerhouse of a woman, then take it with both hands and immerse yourself fully! Sanae cares with every fibre of her being. She will stretch you and push you but will magically and expertly help you to weave all the threads together to ensure your business is successful.  

Thank you, Sanae, from the bottom of my heart.

Michaela Pay – Empowerment Coach. UK

I’ve gone from zero clients to now having 8 wonderful new clients.

“Sanae’s BLAB (Build Like A BOSS) Academy programme has been a complete life-changer for me.  I have gone from having zero clients in a year to now having 8 wonderful new clients.

My whole mindset is different too. I completely know my niche ( and I would NEVER have guessed what it was on my own which would have been totally tragic!) I am loving getting up and running, the BLAB module worksheets, the weekly calls – all of it!

When liasing with Sanae earlier, I referred to “my work” but this doesn’t feel like work – I LOVE what I am doing!! I am so confident when talking to prospective clients – and I’m sure this has been the catalyst for converting sales so easily. I just expect people to say yes…and they do!”

Yvonne Fox – The Holistic Literacy Coach. UK

I now have the clarity, the confidence, the mindset and the strategies that I need to fill my client list

“In essence, Sanae to me is the fairy-godmother (a young and fiery version) who has touched me with her magic wand.

I came across one of Sanae’s articles at a time when I had invested £000’s in coaching programmes and courses all aimed at helping me build my coaching business…but I still wasn’t getting any notable results a.k.a paying clients.  

Sanae's words reflected her combination of expertise, authenticity, and empathy that resonated with me and after our discovery call, I knew she could help me get unstuck.  

I am absolutely happy I made the investment to work with Sanae 1:1. I now have the clarity, the confidence, the mindset and the strategies that I need to fill my client list. I am able to consistently create content that offers value and attracts my ideal clients! This turn around took just 8 weeks and I signed up 2 clients at prices higher than I have ever charged!  Sanae is a smart businesswoman and a wise coach. She’s got the experience to help me navigate me to the results I want and so much more.  

I absolutely recommend working with Sanae. You’ll see in a short time changes you thought would take ages – and you’ll be living a brighter, happier, and more successful version of yourself very soon.”

Meera Remani – Life Purpose Coach. Germany

Rebecca Bishop

I now have the right ideal clients!

“Did you ever try to pick berries in the market?

I bet, you would be hunting for the best possible pick, right? And while you can become really skilful in it someone with a God-given talent will always do it a little bit better with that natural inspiring grace, that would probably even surprise you.  

Sanae is that person. She has a gift to help you to find the right client and niche. She will support you gracefully so that you will find your ideal client, overcome your limiting beliefs and get into the realm of joy with your business. So if you want to find Your Client, Your Niche, Your Success and pick the best, ask Sanae, she knows all the secrets and shares them with her clients lovingly.  

I’m very happy with our coaching sessions and definitely recommend her!  

Thank you, Sanae for teaching me how to pick the right client.“

Eve Voyevoda – Business & Brand Creator. Ukraine.

Sanae gets to the heart of your personal blocks and self sabotage

“Sanae’s ability to get to the heart of your personal blocks and self-sabotaging beliefs is her amazing gift. She takes Coaching to whole new level with her wisdom, guidance, and insight. If you’re not experiencing the success you want, you need to call Sanae. It’s the greatest gift you could give yourself. “

Dr Maryhan Baker – Parent and Child Coach. UK.

Libby Steggles-Ginn - Transformational Youth Coach

I’ve never felt so empowered …to be living my life’s purpose and making money from doing it!

“Wow! What an amazing 3 months! I have an amazing business that is lazer targeted, and an amazing new me who’s ready to serve my clients powerfully.

Before joining Sanae’s programme I had no idea what was my niche.

I knew I needed to get clear on who my ideal client was and draw out my unique gifts to help others share theirs! Sanae got me from confused to crystal clear!

I’ve never felt so empowered and inspired to be living my life’s purpose and making money from doing it! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, coach for life! So much love, Jen xxx “

Jen Hall – Business Clarity Coach. UK.

“I signed 2 clients and made my first 7000 EUROS in less than 4 weeks!!

Working with Sanae I was able to get clear on who I was, what I do and what results my clients get when they work for me. My niche was no longer a mystery.

I was able to start looking at what results my ideal clients wanted and also learned how to clearly state that in my marketing. The one big thing for me has been the amount of confidence I have gained in myself and how I now understand the power of just being me in my business as that is the best I can offer my clients.

I also fully appreciate the email coaching that comes with working with Sanae. She actually helps with practical things that help you make a decision.

Looking back to my discovery call with Sanae which made me cry because I finally knew I had to start showing up to make a difference – there and then I knew I had to work with her one way or the other. If you lack direction and truly want to step out doing what you love with an implementable plan then Sanae is my Number One go-to coach. 

Omozua Isiramen – Life Coach

I work less than 10 hours a week, and I'm set to make 6-figures this year!

“I’ve worked with Sanae 1:1 and I couldn’t recommend her enough!  I work less than 10 hours a week, I take 3 months a year off and I’m set to make 6-figures this year!

First-year in my coaching business with her help I made $63k, 2nd year $83k and this year is set to top $100k. Sanae knows her stuff and her stuff is exactly what you need (strategy plus mindset) to get your coaching business off the ground.  You need Sanae if you’re

*struggling to identify who your Ideal Client Audience is
*struggling to tell your story in a way that connects to your audience
*struggling to tell your story in a way that leads to NATURAL sales, no gimmicks, and attracts clients who become RAVING fans

*or even struggling to write sales copy for an event

Then you need to work with Sanae! “

Kelly Lunt - Intuitive Transformation Coach. USA

Within 3 months I made my first 5-figure month!

I hadn’t hired a coach in a fair few months and clients were slowing down (read: Tumbleweed!). I knew something had to be done however the thought of having to spend yet more money (already spent $000’s) on another coach….P**sed me off.

All these investments but no monetary gain for me. I was left feeling upset, annoyed and contemplated throwing in the towel.  

That was until I saw a post from Sanae. It was as if she was reading my mind and I cried. I didn’t know how I was going to do it, but I HAD to work with her. With no funds coming in and lots going out – you get the picture! – I asked myself 3 questions whilst crying and feeling helpless…  

1) How badly do I really want this?  
2) Am I willing to do anything (and I mean anything) to make my business work?  
3) Do I believe that she can show me the way?  

Within 24 hours of speaking with Sanae I hired her.  And my life has completely changed!  

Sanae uncovered the real me and shone a light on all that I’d been hiding for fear of ‘putting off’ clients. Within 3 weeks I made a 4 figure sale and within 3 months I made my first 5-figure month!  

I will be forever grateful for Sanae’s brilliance and expertise…She cuts out the bullshit and showed me ways that truly work.  She has this natural gift for making you feel as if you’ve known her all your life and brings out your core values, dreams and the true essence of who you are and helps you to turn the art of being YOURSELF into your greatest client magnet for your business. I absolutely know that had I not invested in working with her, I’d probably be returning to a 9-5, still dreaming of the life I’ve always wanted (which I am now living!)”

Stacey Sargison-Shawe - Life Coach. UK

I am now fully transitioned from my previous employed role, to my coaching business

“I was looking for a mentor to help me get the business off the ground in the online sphere. I shopped around extensively and came across Sanae.  It took me a while to work out what I wanted from a Coach & Mentor, and it was quite difficult initially to cut through the noise of so many Coaches offering seemingly similar services.

What shone through about Sanae was her clarity, her passion, and her commitment to supporting coaches succeed in the online space.

I watched her free live videos for several months before finally reaching out to her-with a strong sense that she may be ‘the one’ to help.   Sanae has been supporting me for the past eight months through one to one coaching… She has helped me get clear on my niche, my programme offer, and I am now fully transitioned from my previous employed role, to now being fully committed to my coaching business. I am about to launch my signature programme, and feel fully aligned to what I am offering, my ‘why’, and finalising my ‘how’. 

Sanae has been a guiding light to me,  through her warmth, generosity of knowledge and guidance, her strength and wisdom, and her obvious commitment to her ongoing personal and professional development.    It has been wonderful to have Sanae walk beside me through my transition, at my pace, and hold me through the doubts, the tears and the laughs. She is a true, heart-felt, knowledgeable and caring mentor, whom I have no hesitation in recommending.  

Thank you Sanae.”

Helen Tanner - Forgiveness Coach

Thank you for showing me both professionally BUT more than that, personally that I am more than enough, right here and right now

“Working with Sanae has changed my life for the better.

 Her commitment to me and my journey, her deep, precise knowledge and her enlightening experience all make her a second to none human and coach BUT it is much more than that that makes her INCREDIBLE .

It is her ability to know what I need better than I know myself, how she allows me to grow at my pace, the way she coaxes me on occasion plus push me when needed. (LET GO OF THE LEDGE!)  

No, it is even more than that and I am not sure I have the words.  

Sanae sees into my soul, reads my mind, translates my chatter to perfect, concise sentences, never ever judging, always protecting and inspiring.  I want to say to Sanae:  Thank you for giving me what I have wanted but have avoided my entire adult life.  Thank you for showing me both professionally BUT more than that, personally that I am more than enough, right here and right now.  That I was born perfectly, that every experience I have had only serves to make me a richer and fuller person.  

Thank you, thank you, thank you for allowing me to see I already had it all here from the start!”

Cheryl Thompson - Female Empowerment Coach 

I uncovered my "real niche" and that made everything so much easier and lighter

I contacted Sanae when I was lost and overwhelmed in my coaching business.

I was enrolled in another course at that moment to set all the systems up but I realised all those systems are good but I felt something was missing.

Something did not click which meant I was struggling to put my sales copy together.  I was struggling to fit it all together in a way that felt good.

Signing up to work with Sanae was the best decision!! After just 1 session, I got what was missing: my alignment with the niche!!

When I re-connected to my story, all struggles and challenges that I have been through and my transformation - I uncovered my "real niche and that made everythgin so much easier and lighter.

It's so much easier to write my copy, as I'm speaking about what I've experienced, what I know, what I felt and how I found my solution. And now there is no more of this nagging feeling that something is missing!

Thank you Sanae!!!! You are really the best!!!!

Irina Sanchez De Lozada – Career Transformation Coach

My business FLOWS beautifully whilst I deliver my passion and purpose

Stuck, frustrated, lost.

This is how I felt in my business before I started to work with Sanae.  

I had a passion for what I was doing and yet wasn’t moving forward. I was working long hours all week and just going around in circles feeling more and more lost.  

I had a discovery call with Sanae as she had been recommended to me and I knew that I had found my coach. Sanae knew her business, her rates, had procedures set up in place, and the belief in both herself and myself that I could move forward in my business.  

I worked with Sanae for 12 months and my business now flows.  I went from offering hourly rates to now offering different packages to my clients.  

I too now know my rates, have procedures set up in place, and believe in myself and my business.  

I know exactly who I am and what my business is about.  

My business FLOWS beautifully whilst I deliver my passion and purpose.  

If you can relate to this then hop on a discovery call with Sanae and see for yourself.

Libby Steggles-Ginn - Transformational Youth Coach 

I now feel ready to make my name as a resilience coach

“From the very beginning, you were professional, knowledgeable, and determined to allow me to find my own course. Your package has given me nuggets, format, and direction to not only sell myself on my website but to understand my coaching purpose.  

The knowledge you have shared around social media marketing has been invaluable and allowed me to create powerful messages and social media interaction.  

As we neared the end of the coaching journey you gently prompted, prodded, and suggested that the risk taking person that was always in me, should materialise again.  

I fought this little demon until the time was right but eventually the time came to take my coaching business seriously and

I am now pleased to say I am 100% committed to making it a success.  I am so pleased I took the time to work with you, as I now feel ready to make my name as a resilience coach working with men to help them be resourceful and create a new renaissance.  

Thank you Sanae once again xx”

Stephen Bell - Resilience Coach

I hit my first $10k month!!!

“Sanae has an intuitive ability to see exactly what is in the way of growing your business. I was struggling to fill my business group coaching program. Within 2 weeks of working with her, I was able to fill it by adding 4 more new clients. 3 of those clients enrolled a week after working Sanae. She is gifted! “

Rashida Gaye - Mindshift Life

Sanae is a coach extraordinaire!

“She cares for her clients in a very deep and personal way. She is extremely knowledgeable in her area of expertise and especially helped me with my mindset blocks and limiting beliefs. In addition, Sanae used her expertise to help me totally get clear on my niche.  

Her ongoing support way past the end of the coaching course is very rare. I cannot recommend Sanae enough!”

Joanne Mutari - Life Makeover Coach

I'd found the missing piece in my alignment

“Sanae is a master when it comes to diving deep into your soul and digging out the REAL story driving you and your business…she helped me not only clarify my story, but also nailed down my niche and ideal client…After my first call with Sanae, I slept soundly for the first time in years knowing I’d found the missing piece in my alignment. “

Tanuja Dabir – MindBody Nutrition Whizz

I have a road map – a clear idea of where I’m going

“My experience of being coached with Sanae has confirmed my faith in our powerful, important work as coaches.  I have just completed working with Sanae and oh my god am I glad I took the Leap!

The difference between where I was when I started working with her and where I am now and is like night and day.  

I am now grounded, clear on my message, feeling ready and confident and excited to share it with the world, I feel even more free and creative with it and I have a road map – a clear idea of where I’m going.  

Sanae is generous in spirit, generous with her knowledge and expertise and for me is a model of what coaching is all about. She held me in my truth, celebrated my passion and enthusiasm and lead me through my struggles and blocks, all with grace and kindness.  

She did not hold back on tips and tricks either which I really appreciate, especially as her insight and experience is vast. I am proud to call her my mentor and role model”

Sinead Rafferty – Career Coach

I’m filled with clarity on what to do

 “Before I met Sanae I was confused and not sure how and where to direct all my talents and my business ideas. I must say, after an intensive first session with Sanae, I’m filled with Clarity on what to do and how to channel/monetize my ideas.

I’m buzzing and eager to get my coaching business going. Sanae has an incredible talent that has helped me dig deep within, to discover strengths, skills and abilities that I never knew were there or I’d just taken for granted.

I’m blessed beyond words and so grateful to have met an amazing, talented and gifted coach like Sanae! If you’re still in doubt/ sitting on the fence about getting a coach, look no further! Sanae is the best coach around!!!”

Glory Olimade - Relationship Coach

I booked my first client and also had a request for 12 months’ worth of coaching

“Before hiring Sanae, I had created a business over a 12 month period. I had even written a book which was a number one bestseller!

 I knew roughly who my ideal client was but my mind was foggy as I had a few archetypes on the go. I needed to really nail down my ideal client and I was struggling to align with her.  

I couldn’t find a way of talking to her directly in my social media posts although I knew what I was offered by means of a solution to her problem.  I simply needed to get complete clarity on who she was and how to reach out to her.  

As a result of my murkiness, I was not attracting clients.  

Sanae helped me to narrow down to within pinpoint accuracy exactly who my ideal client is along with everything that she is thinking and feeling along with helping me identify what skills, qualities, and attributes I have that will help solve her problem and get great results.  

The sessions with Sanae were full, challenging and so very rich. She had a real gift of being able to look inside of my soul and almost ‘see’ where my blocks are and help me to remove them.  

Within 24 hours of the second session with Sanae, I booked my first client and also had a request for 12 months’ worth of coaching as well as an opportunity to be a keynote speaker. I understand that I did the work to get these initial results, but Sanae had the magic that helped me release my magnetism.”

Tish Hawken – Resilience Coach

She helped me realise what I truly love doing

“When I started working with Sanae, I was lost, literally.

I knew I wanted to be my own boss, but I would start with an idea and then felt that it was wrong, so I’d find another one and so on… that was driving me nuts. Sanae has an amazing ability to help you peel the layers off. In her own “tough and soft” perfectly balanced way. She knows when you need to toughen up and she’s there to remind you. She also knows when you really are feeling like shit and you need someone to talk to who supports you. She helped me realise what I truly love doing and she supported me in going for it.  

The weekly BLAB calls were the highlight of my week. I loved the group we had, it’s a safe space where you can really open up and meet new friends that you didn’t expect.  

The whole time I spent in BLAB, working with Sanae was priceless to me. Thank you so much for everything Sanae, I do feel blessed to have you in my life”

Sandra Brun – The Home Sweet Home Alchemist

I feel so much more confident

“Sanae is one of the true greats in the online coaching world! I am in absolute awe of the support and intuitive guidance she provides and the results have been transformational. Sanae was able to uncover and clear through years worth of old stories I told me personally that affected how I do business.

Sanae really helped me find my voice and really helped me understand exactly how I can share my passion and zone of genius with the world.  

I feel so much more confident knowing I can connect with incredible women and help them from an aligned and authentic place inside me.  

The fantastic strategies and tools she shared with me are extremely valuable, I know they will help me for many many years to come!  

I would not hesitate for one second to recommend Sanae! If you get the chance to work with her, DO IT!”

Roxana Ghiassi – Productivity & Performance Strategist

I have so much clarity and confidence to move me forward

"Working with Sanae was like a rollercoaster of discovery.   I switched from throwing my hands in the air with the thrill of it to holding on tight with gritted teeth.  

But at every stage I never doubted that I was held and supported by her dedication to me and my goals and her steadfast belief that I would make it through and discovery the joy on the other side.  The smile on my face after every connection hurt!

There is no way I could have learnt what I did about myself or made the leaps in my knowledge on my own and for that I am eternally grateful.    I have so much clarity and confidence to move me forward in my business and would not hesitate to urge anyone seeking support to contact Sanae"

Coach Kerry Davey

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pulvinar velit non turpis lacinia sodales. Duis porttitor fringilla enim, dictum rhoncus neque ullamcorper quis."

Sara Johnson
Founder, CTO - The Company